Fotabong III, Essoh-Attah Forest Adjacent Communities Benefit Livelihood Boosts
The ERuDeF Livelihood and Economic Empowerment Programme mid-June, 2015 donated piglets and beehives to over 75 households in Fotabong III and Essoh-Attah in Lebialem Division and Mbetta in Nguti Sub-Division.
The donations came immidiately after the community members were trained on bee farming, livestock production, petty business initiation and the sustainable extraction of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as well as sustainable agriculture.

A consignment of piglets, complete Kenyan top bar beehives, loads of animal feed were donated to hunters, trappers, youths, women and farmers, who live adjacent to the proposed Mak-Betchou Wildlife Sanctuary in Lebialem Division in the Southwest Region, thanks to the support of FFI through the PPI3 Project.
The forest adjacent communities were the target of ERuDeF’s largaessse because they exert pressure on the forest for their livelihoods.
HRH Chief Fobang Timothy of Fotabonh III, who doubles as one of the biomonitors, lauded the efforts of ERuDeF to alleviate poverty through the provision of alternative income-generating activities to their respective communities.
The communities also received practical demonstration on beehive installation delivered by an expert from the Regional Deligation for Agriculture and Rural Development for Lebialem.
By Ignatius Njom