CAWI Puts Smiles On Faces Of Needy Girls In GHS Buea Town
Some 19 underprivileged teenage girls enrolling at the Government High School (GHS), Buea Town, breathed a sigh of relieve, Wednesday January 24, 2018. That was after receiving donations in cash and kind from the Centre for the Advancement of Women Initiatives (CAWI).
Yanick Fonki

The donations comprising of 22 Text books, 5 school bags, and a partial GCE registration of 20,000frs, comes on the heels of CAWI’s objective of advocating for better living condition of women and girls, irrespective of their status.
In a solemn but joyous ceremony organised at the assembly block of GHS Buea Town, the members of CAWI sensitised the student body on the role women play in the society. They disclosed that it was on that premise that the organisation decided to identify girls who were either orphans, of single parents, or of very poor background, to come to their aid and give them the necessary academic assistance.
“CAWI seeks to enhance the socioeconomic wellbeing of women and girls through intervention in areas such as women and girls’ education. Empowerment through education is achieved in this case through women education funds and assisting needy girls. The selection modality was based on identifying girls who were either orphans or of single parents, and others who came from very poor background and could not obtain the required school needs,” highlighted Nkembi Lucia, Coordinator of CAWI.
The Coordinator of CAWI went further to indicate that the donation will go a long way to better education for the girls and also multiply Cameroon government’s education for all efforts.
“It is hoped that, the recipients will make effective use of the items received and this will not only lead to improved academic performance, it will go a long way to meet government policy of reaching out to the underprivileged and quality education for all,” Nkembi Lucia added.
Meantime, the members of CAWI urged the studies to make maximum use of their donations so it can improve on their academic performance. They indicated that it will only be on that basis that many other girls will receive academic donations.
While accepting the donations, the recipients showed high sense of appreciation and promised to utilise their gifts, so they can enhance their education.
“I wish to that the members of CAWI immensely for thinking about us this way. It would have been a very long and struggling academic year, should gestures like this would not have come our way. We promise to put to maximum use, these gifts, so we can serve as good examples to future CAWI donations,” said Aghafui Chanceline Adangabit, student of Form 1B and laureate of a brand new bag and books.
Some who could not hide their emotions, burst into tears while thanking CAWI for reviving their hopes.
“I had not been certain whether I would write the GCE this year, until now. I have nobody who caters for my educational needs but myself. I am so grateful to CAWI for wiping my tears (she burst into tears) and giving me new hopes in my academics. I shall forever be indebted to them,” confessed Esseme Celestine, an Upper Sixth student and laureate of partial GCE registration fee of 20,000frs.
CAWI is a project of the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF). It was formed after realising the need for a separate programme for women. It has as objective, to intensify on women activities and to handle the several challenges faced by women and girls.
The donations were realised with support from ERuDeF and special support from Dr Mari Greever in UK.